Application Modernization

Revitalize legacy applications for the cloud while leveraging modern development practices, ultimately putting your team in a position to innovate and deliver better software faster.

Enable developer creativity and build amazing applications, with operational governance to consistently and reliably scale to meet customer demand.

Why modernize an application?

Modernization of applications unlocks productivity by reducing the effort to enhance, debug, maintain and patch applications. Unlock the ability to iterate and build new features, delivering value to your customers sooner quicker.

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Leverage cloud features

Enjoy the additional security and reduced operational burden of managed cloud services.

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Save cost on infrastructure

Gain fine-grained visibilty of your infrastructure and optimize individual services to reduce costs.

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Move faster without fear

Modular cloud applications allow innovation and updates to be targetted, small and testable.

Accelerate your journey with Nitric

The Nitric Framework is extensible and gives teams the ability to migrate to cloud-native infrastructure easily.

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Developer self-service

Apps built with Nitric scale automatically to the meet user demand. A feature rich local DX allows the bulk of your development efforts to happen before you reach the cloud.

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Provision reliable infrastructure

Leverage built-in cloud expertise with excellent tools to migrate your solution to the cloud, then customize as you see fit.

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Leverage your team's valuable skills

Avoid the complexity of learning new skills or hiring while tackling cloud migration. Use your existing skills, language and cloud provider of choice.

Path to Modernization

Your team's journey to app modernization is unique, here are some popular approaches and how Nitric can help.

Approach #1 - Incrementally migrate

Break your application into logical components, one service at a time. Your application's entrypoint is the main component you will need to change. We can assist you in setting up a gateway which routes traffic to both your existing application and your Nitric application.

Diagram showing incremental migration path

Recommended approach - Introduce a new feature to your application

Our early adopters have generally started with a simple service e.g. a notification service. This way you will be able to experiment with and leverage the capabilities of the Nitric framework. Once you are comfortable that Nitric is a good fit for your projects you can begin to break down your existing features based on your priorities.

Nitric plays well with popular framework like Express, Koa or Fastify. Migrating your existing codebase with Nitric means that you can discard your infrastructure deployment project. In addition, you will gain access to the powerful cloud resources via the SDK to fast-track your migration journey.

Diagram showing migration resources

Approach #2 - All In Migration

The Nitric framework offers flexibility with support for languages and technologies which are already used by your team. This means you can leverage your existing skillset to begin your migration.


You will need to assess whether an all-in approach will work for you and your team. Start by matching the resources you already use to resources Nitric supports, the migration will be more valuable if you use as many Nitric resources as possible.

Once you have identified the resources, you will use the Nitric SDK to handle provision and interacting with those resources. Another consideration is updating your existing route or event handlers to use the Nitric SDK, enabling APIs, Schedules or Event subscribers.

Diagram showing lift and shift migration path

Recommended approach - Schedule an evaluation session with the Nitric team

The team at Nitric has worked on several cloud migrations and would happily engage in conversation to help you with your migration journey. We can assist with the initial assessment and help scaffold your project to get you headed down the right path. Even if that path isn't with Nitric.