Terraform vs Pulumi: Which IaC tool is right for you? banner

Terraform vs Pulumi: Which IaC tool is right for you?

Dive into a detailed comparison of Terraform and Pulumi using Nitric as we deploy the same app to AWS with both tools.

David MooreDavid Moore

David Moore

10 min read
Fast Feedback with Terraform

Working with Terraform Can Be Much Faster

How consistent, generated Terraform from application code improves productivity

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

7 min read
Maximizing Terraform Modules for Platform Engineering banner

Maximizing Terraform Modules for Platform Engineering

A look at two common practices, their challenges and the changes teams can make to harness the full power of Terraform modules.

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

6 min read
Easily Customize Terraform banner

Easily Customize Nitric's Terraform Providers

See how to quickly adjust Nitric Terraform providers with server-side encryption.

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

2 min read
Terraform Providers banner

Nitric’s Terraform Providers: Transform Your Terraform Workflows

Using Nitric in your existing Terraform flows

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

6 min read
The Fastest Cloud Development Happens Locally

The Fastest Cloud Development Happens Locally

Optimizing speed, flexibility, and debugging in modern local environments.

David MooreDavid Moore

David Moore

7 min read
Understand the Nitric abstraction

The Finer Details of Nitric’s Automation

Learn about the Nitric Framework and how you can customize your infrastructure

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

11 min read
Nitric Logo

Infrastructure from Code Gives Ops Needed Freedom

IfC automates the handover process between teams, essentially creating a bridge over the often-troubled waters of inter-team collaboration.

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

5 min read
Nitric update newsletter banner

Nitric Update - June 2024

June 2024 update on Nitric and the community

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

3 min read
Terraform Provider Proof-of-Concept banner

A Terraform Provider Proof-of-Concept

Explore the PoC and design choices we made for this provider

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

8 min read
How IfC Complements IaC banner

How IfC Complements IaC

Listen in as our Co-Founder Jye Cusch talks about Nitric and Terraform

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

3 min read
Infrastructure from Code FAQ banner

Infrastructure from Code FAQ

Learn more about IfC through these frequently asked questions

Steve DemchukSteve Demchuk

Steve Demchuk

7 min read
How Startups Can Delay Cloud Choices with Nitric banner

How Startups Can Delay Cloud Choices

Listen in as our Co-Founder Jye Cusch talks about the use case for Nitric in startups

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

3 min read
Nitric Logo

Achieve Cloud Native without Kubernetes

Managed services let developers focus on applications, leaving infrastructure, scaling and server management in the cloud provider’s capable hands.

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

7 min read
Avoid vendor lockin banner

Avoiding Cloud Lock-in

Listen in as our Co-Founder Jye Cusch talks about cloud learnings

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

3 min read
Nitric update newsletter banner

Nitric Update - April 2024

April 2024 update on Nitric and the community

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

2 min read
Framework demo banner

Building with Nitric - A Framework Demo

See how to build cloud-native apps with the open source Nitric framework

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

7 min read
customizing and extending nitric Framework banner

Customizing and Extending the Nitric Framework

Listen in as our Co-Founder Jye Cusch describes Nitric’s flexibility

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

4 min read
Achieve GitOps on Day One with IaC Automation

Achieve GitOps on Day One with IaC Automation

GitOps helps redefine how we manage infrastructure and application deployments in environments where precision, automation and transparency are vital.

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

8 min read
Nitric Logo

Cost Efficiencies with Azure and Serverless

How much will it really cost to run a serverless application?

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

8 min read
Nitric version 1.0.0 newsletter banner

How Nitric V1 Changes Cloud Development

Listen in as our Co-Founder Jye Cusch tells the Nitric story

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

4 min read
4 Lessons Learned from Building Microfrontends

4 Lessons Learned from Building Microfrontends

By decoupling databases and improving resiliency, microfrontends give websites and applications the same benefits as microservices provide backends.

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

4 min read
Nitric version 1.0.0 newsletter banner

Announcing Nitric version 1.0.0!

Check out what’s new in our first major release

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

9 min read
Nitric with GitHub banner

Automated Cloud Infrastructure Deployment with GitHub Actions and Nitric

Nitric's GitHub Action makes it easy to create automated CI/CD pipelines.

David MooreDavid Moore

David Moore

3 min read

Speeding up Azure Development by not Handcrafting Terraform

Creating an e-commerce website to compare the productivity of Terraform and Nitric.

Ryan CartwrightRyan Cartwright

Ryan Cartwright

12 min read
Nitric vs Pulumi vs Terraform banner

How Much Infrastructure Code Are Your Teams Writing?

Infrastructure as Code may be unnecessarily slowing down your teams and cloud deployments.

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

8 min read

Automate AWS Security Auditing with Cloudsplaining

Create a GitHub actions CI/CD pipeline which automates AWS infrastructure security auditing with cloudsplaining.

Ryan CartwrightRyan Cartwright

Ryan Cartwright

6 min read
Nitric update newsletter banner

Nitric Update - November 2023

November 2023 update on Nitric and the community

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

2 min read
Nitric Logo

The Hidden Toll of Infrastructure on Developer Productivity

Unlock developer creativity by removing infrastructure burdens

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

6 min read
nitric and golang logos

Build Cloud-native Applications in Go

Check out Nitric's support for Go for deploying cloud resources

Ryan CartwrightRyan Cartwright

Ryan Cartwright

2 min read
Nitric Logo

Why we started with Pulumi

Top reasons for implementing our standard providers with Pulumi

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

6 min read
Nitric update newsletter banner

Nitric Update - September 2023

September 2023 update on Nitric and the community

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

3 min read
Patterns as Code

Patterns as Code

Express common cloud patterns in code using Infrasutrcture from Code

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

3 min read
Nitric update newsletter banner

Nitric Update - July 2023

July 2023 update on Nitric and the community

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

2 min read
Nitric and websockets logo

Build real-time applications with Nitric 🔌

Nitric now supports websockets, enabling the building of real-time applications.

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

2 min read
Nitric and other web framework logos

Enhance Express.js, Koa, Fastify and other web frameworks with Nitric

Discover how Nitric's latest feature enables developers to leverage third-party web frameworks like Express.js, NestJS, Koa and Fastify. Learn how to enhance your existing projects with Nitric's powerful, cloud-native features and services for a seamless and empowering development experience.

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

3 min read
New Nitric Docs banner

New Nitric Docs, built for Collaboration

Introducing the New Nitric Docs Website, Enhancing Collaboration and Streamlining Information

David MooreDavid Moore

David Moore

3 min read
Debugging Made Easy with Nitric Start Command banner

Debugging Made Easy with Nitric Start Command

Learn how to easily debug your applications using Nitric Start command and enhance your developer experience with streamlined debugging processes.

David MooreDavid Moore

David Moore

5 min read
Nitric update newsletter banner

Nitric Update - June 2023

June 2023 update on Nitric and the community

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

2 min read
nitric security banner

Simplifying Cloud Security with Nitric

How the Nitric framework simplifies security and IAM in the cloud

Ryan CartwrightRyan Cartwright

Ryan Cartwright

6 min read
ent and planetscale banner

Using ent. with PlanetScale

How and why to use ent, the entity framework for Go, with PlanetScale

Angus SalkeldAngus Salkeld

Angus Salkeld

4 min read
Nitric update newsletter banner

Nitric Update - Nov 2022

November 2022 update on the latest from Nitric

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

3 min read
Nitric update newsletter banner

Nitric Update - Oct 2022

October 2022 update on Nitric and the community

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

3 min read
Nitric Deploy Update

Nitric Update - Sep 2022

The latest improvements to Nitric Deploy

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

2 min read
AWS lambda cold start optimization blog banner image

Contributors to AWS Lambda container cold starts

Exploring the cause of slow cold start performance for containers running on AWS Lambda

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

8 min read
nitric self provisioning runtime banner

Self-Provisioning Runtimes Streamline DevOps

How the Nitric framework automates infrastructure provisioning

Rak SivRak Siv

Rak Siv

6 min read
the iteration from the monolith, to hybrid, to pure microservices

Breaking Monolithic Applications into Microservices

Monolithic applications provide dev challenges over time. Evaluate when to invest in breaking down the monolith into microservices and how to approach it.

Ryan CartwrightRyan Cartwright

Ryan Cartwright

10 min read
nitric cncf banner

Nitric listed in CNCF serverless landscape

Nitric reaches 300 stars and qualifies for CNCF landscape listing

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

1 min read
nitric config as code banner

We Automated Repetitive IaC

How we cut down on tedious infrastructure configuration that kills dev productivity

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

6 min read
gRPC and Nitric Logos

Choosing gRPC for Cloud and Microservice APIs

Why we picked gRPC for the Nitric Server

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

6 min read
nitric and azure container apps logos

Azure Container Apps with Nitric

Nitric now supports Azure container apps for deploying compute resources

Tim HolmTim Holm

Tim Holm

1 min read
october 2021 nitric preview release

Nitric Update - Oct 2021

Announcing the latest release of the Nitric Developer Preview, with Azure Support

Jye CuschJye Cusch

Jye Cusch

3 min read